Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wacky Wednesday!

As a tournament director I often end out with random score sheets from some tournament I directed. Kids leave them on my table, or while cleaning up I find them on the floor. They end out getting filed away and sometimes I end out actually looking at them and see if I can develop a classroom lesson from it. Often kids' games make excellent lessons because the moves are ones that kids can relate to. Most lower level kids are not going to understand why 4. Nh3 is good against the Leningrad Dutch.

While cleaning out some files with assorted chess lessons and notes I came across this game played by two kids in the Primary section of a tournament I directed back in 2002. I had never looked at it before so in deciding whether I should keep the piece of paper or not I decided to play it out. I found it rather amusing and thought given its length it would be suitable Wacky Wednesday material. The names have been changed to protect the guilty, um....innocent? Neither of these kids are playing anymore. I haven't quite formulated a lesson plan around the game yet. Maybe after you look at it, you can give me some ideas. :-)



Glenn Wilson said...

Brilliant! I'm sure that Andy played 12....Bd4 to lure the N away from f3.

The more direct ...g4 would have alerted Eddie to the danger.

The principle of secrecy (The Art of War)

"He must be able to mystify his officers and men by false reports and appearances, and thus keep them in total ignorance. By altering his arrangements and changing his plans, he keeps the enemy without definite knowledge. By shifting his camp and taking circuitous routes, he prevents the enemy from anticipating his purpose."

Polly said...

Glenn: LOL Exactly my thoughts. Though pushing g4 isn't a slam dunk since the knight can block the queen.

Chessaholic said...

wow, brilliant bishop sacrifice indeed :)

Our Sword said...

Hey that was a really neat game! It was really neat the way the kid playing Black enticed White to take with the Knight that was guarding h2.

Are you sure you didn't get one of my scoresheets? I play just like White! LOL :-P

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I am not qualified to help with any lesson ideas as I just lost a game on the ICC in a VERY similar way. So playing through the game in this post WAS a lesson for me and a reminder of my own very recent chess folly.

Have a good one!

Polly said...

rt: Did you play in a kids tournament in NY back in 2002? If the answer is yes, then possibly I have your score sheet. :-)