Saturday, August 30, 2008

Speaking of Road Trips....

Later to today I head off to Albany for the 109th Annual New York State Championship. Hopefully Murphy will stay home this time, and let me play in peace. Also hopefully I don't get into another game of tug of war with my sister's big yellow lab.

I will try to take the positive vibe from Monday and Wednesday's games, and carry that through the weekend. We'll just skip over Thursday's time pressure meltdown. That was mere blip on the chess horizon. The only game I didn't flag came to its' own ugly ending. It's too bad I didn't have that little arrow pointing the way during the game.

I picked up my c5 rook to play Rxd5. As I reached for black's d5 rook I suddenly noticed I had this problem with Qh2 that could not be resolved with a rook move. I think he might have said something if I put the rook down, said "J'adoube" and tried to play g3 instead. I played Rxd5. Hey maybe he'd make the recapture and miss the mate. Maybe I'll go 6-0 in the Open Section this weekend. Maybe pigs will fly......

31 rating points forward, 29 backwards. C'est la vie!


Anonymous said...

Every tournament is different. One player can beat you in one tournament the next tournament you can play him off the board.

Anyway, just analyze your games and see where you want wrong and what you did do wrong. And then never do it again! :-)

Polly said...

It's never doing it wrong again part that trips me up. LOL